Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days for a full refund, including return shipping if the return is due to the company's error. You can expect to receive your refund within 4 weeks, including transit time for the company to receive your return, processing time for the return, and processing time for the refund request with your bank.

To return an item, visit the returns center website or call 877.321.7962. If you have not received your package, fill out the shipping assurance form for a response within 2 business days here: 


CLAIMS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF YOUR PACKAGE BEING LOST / STOLEN / DAMAGED. Claims submitted after 15 days will not be honored. 


  • You have checked that your shipping address was correct.
  • If you live in an apartment or condo, you have checked the parcel locker.
  • You have checked with your neighbors if they have your package.
  • It has been 3 business days since your package says delivered.
  • It has been 7-10 business days since your tracking started.

877.321.7962 ext 2. Please have your order number.


We ship to most addresses worldwide, but some products have restrictions or cannot be shipped internationally. When you place an order, we will provide shipping and delivery estimates based on availability and your chosen shipping options. Shipping rates are based on the weight of the item and will be rounded up to the next full pound.